Participant truck

Here you can register for the Truck Grand Prix

There is a change for the 2021 season. There is now a registration fee of 50 € (double starter 80 €). As soon as you have registered you will receive an email with the bank details. If you have transferred, we will accept you as a starter. The registration fee is not lost. You will benefit from it as an entry fee. You do not have to pay an entry fee for the first two races in which you take part.

It would be great if you send us a picture of you and your car for the website

Here are the driver of the Truck Grand Prix with their vehicles

Each driver receives a permanent start number for the series for the 2021 season

The drivers of the Truck Grand Prix introduce themselves with their vehicles

Each driver gets a permanent start number for the series for the 2021 season

You can register for the series here

All participants who register here are entered in the participant list and appear directly in the ranking list and take part in the big raffle at the end of the season.



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